Vision 2025
If you’ve been with us for any length of time you’ll recognise a lot of the vision and that’s good. Our vision does not change radically every year, we don’t suddenly do big u-turns and go off down some rabbit trail. We consistently have the same vision but hopefully we get better and better at it as the years go on. The overall vision for Edinburgh Vineyard remains the same:
We want to see people encounter Jesus and follow Him, to love, serve and give life to the city.
The vision comes from the blueprint that Lord gave us before the church was planted.
The outer boxes are where people encounter us, as Edinburgh Vineyard, simply doing the stuff Jesus did - praying for the sick and serving the city in many ways.
People will ask why we are doing such things and we will point to the larger, inner box, where we worship, open the Bible, minister in the power of the Holy Spirit and are family gathered together.
It felt that the Lord wants to build a church that is outwardly focused but inwardly strong.
So as we look forward, what is the invitation for us as a church?
Step In and Sail.
We need to learn how to sail and make sure we are not rowing.
By rowing we mean trying to make things happen in your own effort. When you’re rowing, you’re doing all of the work. When you’re sailing, what you do is you put your sail up and the wind does the work, the wind provides the power.
The Holy Spirit is often referred to as the wind. So where is the wind blowing? Where is the Holy Spirit moving? Where is he saying ‘put your sail up Edinburgh Vineyard, catch the wind!’
To find out more, listen to the podcast from Sunday the 2nd of March
Jesus said in John 5:17,19:
“My father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working… “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”
How Can I Step In?
How Can I Step In?
As a response to Vision 2025, we had physical response cards to complete. If you were not able to join us on Vision Sunday, you can fill in the online edition here.
More Ways to Step In
More Ways to Step In 〰️
Dreaming The Impossible
Dreaming the Impossible is a youth movement for young people aged 12-18 from churches and youth organisations everywhere. It is open to all streams, networks and denominations and is run by Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. We’re passionate about seeing young people meet Jesus and fearlessly follow Him, believing that nothing is impossible with God. We’d love you to join the dream team. It takes 100’s of volunteers to make DTI happen and there is a team for you; security, production, host, first aid and loads more
Scottish Vineyard Gathering
This is an opportunity to gather with our Vineyard tribe from around the nation. It will be a gathering place for dreamers and kingdom schemers, for those who know without question what they’re for, and those in search of a purpose. This is about making space for God to speak.